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Windmill Primary School

1 Corinthians 16:14: Do everything in love


Equality Statement Applicable to Windmill Policies: 

When we review each policy, we carefully consider and analyse the impact of each policy on equality and the possible implications for pupils with protected characteristics, as part of our commitment to meet the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requirement to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations. 

Absconding Policy 

Accessibility Policy **updated Sept 2024**

Accessibility Plan & Audit **updated Sept 2024**

Admissions Policy 2023-2024

Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Anti-Bullying Policy

Anti-Bullying Leaflet for Parents

Anti-Bully Leaflet for Pupils

Attendance Policy 

Attendance Policy Addendum

Behaviour and Relationships Policy


Capability of Teaching Staff

Capability of Support Staff

Catering Allergy Procedure

Special Diet Procedure 

Charges and Remissions 

Child on Child Abuse Policy

Child Protection & Safeguarding COVID 19 addendum 

Children with health needs who cannot attend school 

Complaints Policy **updated Sept 2024**

Complaint Toolkit 

Code of Conduct for Adults 

Collective Worship Policy 

Curriculum Policy 

Data Protection & GDPR Policy inc FOI

Disciplinary Procedure

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Early Careers Teacher Policy

Electronic Communications Policy

Equality Policy

Equality Action Plan 

Equality Information and Objectives 

First Aid Policy 

Governor Allowance Guidance

Grievance Procedures

Health and Safety Policy

Homework Policy

Instrument of Government Policy **updated Sept 2024**

LAC Policy

Medical Needs Policy

Medical Needs form

Online Safety Policy

Parent Code of Conduct  

Pupil Premium Policy

Relationship, Health and Sex Education Policy 

Safeguarding Policy **updated Sept 2024**

COVID-19 addendum to school safeguarding policy 2020-21

Safer Recruitment Policy 

School Uniform Policy

SEN Policy **updated Sept 2024**

Supervision Policy

Suspension & Exclusion Policy

Teacher Appraisal Policy **updated Sept 2024**

Teacher Pay Policy

Teaching and Learning Policy

The Protection of Biometric Data Policy **updated Sept 2024**

Uniform Policy

Volunteer Policy

Whistleblowing Policy **updated Sept 2024**

Paper copies of all policies can be obtained from the school office